Sunny awarded a Mary Gates Research Scholarship!
Our undergraduate researcher Sunny Dighe has been awarded an Autumn 2024 Mary Gates Research Scholarship for his project studying the molecular regulation of...
Our undergraduate researcher Sunny Dighe has been awarded an Autumn 2024 Mary Gates Research Scholarship for his project studying the molecular regulation of...
Ahlan Ferdous recently attended the 11th Conference of The Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition International Association (TEMTIA 11), held at the Allen Cell...
Our paper from first-author Pearl Leon Guerrero and senior-author Eric Peterman is now accepted at Molecular Biology of the Cell. Details on the study below:
🚨.@jraslab preprint!🚨Super happy to post this undergraduate-led study on calcium dynamics in zebrafish skin macrophages! Pearl is applying for graduate schoo...
The lab adds two new members: Marisol Jimenez Garcia joins us for 6 weeks through the BRIGHT-UP program. Marisol recently graduated from Foster High Schoo...
The lab received notice of a 2-yr award from the LEO Foundation that will begin 9/1/24. The Denmark-based LEO Foundation provides grants supporting internati...
The lab celebrated two recent graduates from the lab. Pearl finished her undergraduate degree in biochemistry with an honors thesis. We celebrated with a ...
Our graduating senior Pearl Leon Guerrero-Mcinally presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats on a great presentation!
Our study led by Eric Peterman with co-authors Elgene Quitevis and Camille Goo is now published in Cell Reports. Check it out here. This paper examines the r...
Graduate student Sheridan Sargent passes her general exam! Wahoo! That is the third Raslab grad to pass their orals this academic year.
Meet the researcher! Interview with our very own Dr. Eric Peterman featured in the IZFS newsletter here.
The lab took a trip to the Summit at Snoqualmie Pass to celebrate recent lab accomplishments and to enjoy the end of the ski season. Our day was full of skii...
UW freshman Sunny Dighe joins the lab at the beginning of spring quarter. Welcome aboard!
The regional Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) was held once again at beautiful Friday Harbor. Congratulations to Ahlan and Sheridan for wonderful post...
The lab welcomes our newest undergraduate researcher, Graham Robertson. Graham is a MCDB major at UW and will be working on mechanisms of Merkel cell develop...
Our work featured in end of 2023 recaps on Twitter from Disease Models & Mechanisms and eLife:
Sam Fernandes passed her general exam! Congratulations on a job well done!
The lab welcomes Ahlan Ferdous as its newest member. Ahlan performed her Ph.D studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in the lab of Dr. Judith Kimble....
Congratulations to Erik Black on passing his general exam! Well done!
Left to right: Sam, Elgene, Pearl, Jeff, Camille, Sheridan, Eric and Erik.
Our manuscript from Evan Craig and colleagues describing dendritic Merkel cells during zebrafish skin development and regeneration is now available on bioRxi...
Camille received a JOINT award from the National Institute of Genetics (NIG) to work with the Kawakami Lab in Japan! This opportunity has allowed her to trav...
Sheridan received an award from the Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) Training Program. The goals of this NIGMS-funded (T32 GM136534) program are to support t...
Latest preprint from the lab! Our work implicates ROCK signaling as a key modulator of Langerhans cell morphology, dynamics, and plasticity in response to va...
Neuroscience graduate student Sheridan Sargent joined the lab for her Ph.D. studies! We look forward to lots of great things to come – welcome!
Erik Black’s application for the Institute of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine’s (ISCRM) Fellows Program was selected for funding! Congrats to Erik on t...
The Biomedical Picture of the Day featured Eric Peterman’s movie of Langerhans cells responding to nerve damage. Check it out here: “Tip the scales”.
Double congrats to Eric Peterman!
A hearty congratulations to Sam Fernandes who was awarded a fellowship through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (...
Held this year at the beautiful Friday Harbor UW campus, the regional Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) meeting allowed us to connect with many old fri...
To celebrate recent accomplishments and reunite with former lab members, we went ax throwing. It was very competitive as it turns out that we have some natur...
Our paper led by first-author Eric Peterman is now published in Disease Models & Mechanisms. In this study we set out to identify phagocyte responses to ...
Jeff is quoted in an article in The Scientist about a recent study in Cell on fingerprint formation. Very cool work!
The first paper from Team Merkel is now published at eLife! This study was led by co-first-authors Tanya Brown and Emma Horton and resulted from a collaborat...
Sheridan Sargent, a first-year graduate student in the UW Neuroscience program, joined the lab for her winter rotation. Her rotation project will focus on Me...
Pearl attended the 51st annual Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, her first ever conference! She presented her poster on calcium signaling in ...
Eric Peterman’s submission to the 2022 Nikon Small World Photomicrography contest was recognized as an “Image of Distinction”. See the image of a nerve netwo...
Sam’s application on the mechanisms of peripheral axon regeneration was selected for funding by the Cell and Molecular Biology Training Program, which is fun...
A preprint from co-first authors Tanya Brown and Emma Horton entitled “Dermal appendage-dependent patterning of zebrafish atoh1a+ Merkel cells” is now online...
We enjoyed some beautiful summer weather while kayaking on Lake Washington. Boats from the WAC and flyover from the Blue Angels!
The lab attended our first in-person conference since the beginning of the pandemic, the Joint Society for Developmental Biology/Pan-American Society for Evo...
The lab is thrilled to welcome Pearl Leon Guerrero-Mcinally for hands-on research this summer. Pearl is a rising UW junior participating in the UW ENDURE pro...
Our preprint on the role of skin immune cells in axon debris removal after injury is now online at bioRxiv. Check out Eric’s tweet about the manuscript and h...
The lab is super excited to welcome MCB graduate students Sam Fernandes and Erik Black to the lab for their Ph.D. studies! We look forward to lots of great t...
Our graduating seniors, Everett Fan and Nathaniel Yee, gave back-to-back presentations at the URS and totally rocked it!
We celebrated the arrival of spring by taking in the cherry blossoms up on the Quad:
Our paper from lab members Rosalind Bump, Camille Goo, and Emma Horton analyzing the interdependence between bones, vessels, and somatosensory nerves is now ...
The lab is lucky to host first-year MCB students Erik Black and Sam Fernandes for rotations this fall. We look forward to a stimulating quarter. Welcome!
Thread about the preprint (click to read on Twitter): Preprint from authors Rosalind Bump, Camille Goo and Emma Horton. In this paper we use the #zebrafish c...
Just in time for that perfect fall running weather, Jeff’s #runcommute was featured in the post “These mental health hacks will make your commute suck less” ...
Scored an Honorable Mention in this year's @NikonSmallWorld In Motion! Congrats to all the winners, some amazing videos! pic.twit...
Our first R01 application has been funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). This 5-year award w...
The lab hosted a party on the LSB deck for Emma and Rosalind. Both are leaving Seattle for the Bay Area. Emma will be starting graduate school in the Develop...
The lab welcomes Camille Goo as a new research tech. Camille recently graduated from University of Puget Sound and will be mastering all things zebrafish! We...
Please RT! Open postdoc position: We are looking for a highly motivated individual to work in an interdisciplinary environment. Great professional developmen...
The lab is excited to host Arie Aelmore for hands-on research this summer. Arie is participating in the UW ENDURE program, an NIH funded program that aims to...
Our review with co-authors @errricpeterman, Chang Yin and Jay Parrish (@UWBiology) on touch system development and morphogenesis in #celegans, #drosophila an...
In preparation for Emma leaving for graduate school at UCSF, we are looking to fill up to two research tech positions! Apply here.
The lab took advantage of a string of nice spring weather to wish Tanya well as she begins her new position as a Research Project Manager at Tess Research Fo...
We are excited to have first-year MCB student Avery Swearer begin her rotation in the lab. Avery previously worked with both Mexican cave fish and zebrafish ...
Evan recently received the exciting news that he was offered a fellowship through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Progra...
Thanks to @CabernardLab and @StankLab for organizing a great @___SDB___ #nwdb2021. We'll be back on #islandtime next year (knock on wood)!
Nathaniel just received word that he was awarded a Mary Gates Research Scholarship, the purpose of which is to enhance the educational experiences of undergr...
Christine was selected to receive a Washington Research Foundation Fellowship (WRFF) for the 2020-21 academic year. The goal of the WRFF is to support underg...
Thanks to @CCabernard and @TanentzapfLab for organizing the 1st virtual #NWSDB @___SDB___ meeting! Great talks from @rosbump, @TanyaLBrown_14, @errricpeterma...
Rosalind successfully competed for funding through the Cell and Molecular Biology Training Program. The goals of this NIGMS-funded (T32 GM007270) program are...
Congrats to Eric and Tanya on their successful “virtual” posters at #SDB2020:
The lab received a grant from the Royalty Reseach Fund (RRF)! The RRF program is funded from royalty and licensing fee income generated by the University of ...
Jeff’s application for a New Investigator Award from the Cancer Consortium was approved! This award is funded through the NIH/NCI Cancer Center Support Grant...
Evan Craig, a graduate student in the Biology program, joins the lab after a “virtual” spring rotation. Welcome aboard!
Rosalind Bump, a graduate student in the MCB program, joins the lab! We are very excited to have recruited her!
Jeff’s application for a New Investigator Award from the Diabetes Research Center has been selected for funding! This award is supported by grant P30 DK01704...
Well done to Elgene, Christine, and Ethan for their “lightning” research presentations at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Each project, while working o...
Congratulations to Tanya Brown for receiving a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology. The goal of these fellowships is to p...
We are excited to welcome Biology student Evan Craig to the lab for his (virtual) spring rotation!
Congratulations to Christine Dien for receiving a Mary Gates Research Scholarship. The Mary Gates Awards enhance the educational experiences of undergraduate...
Welcome to Nathaniel Yee, a sophomore at UW, who has begun working in the lab. Nathaniel will be investigating the cell biology of putative mechanosensory ce...
The lab welcomes Pralaksha Gurung, a first year Neuroscience student, for her winter rotation.
Two of our undergraduates, Ethan and Elgene, have been awarded Autumn 2019 Mary Gates Research Scholarships. These are competitive scholarships with the purp...
The lab welcomes postdoc Eric Peterman to Seattle! Eric recently finished his Ph.D. in Rytis Prekeris’ lab at the University of Colorado. Eric will begin his...
Undergraduate Christine Dien is named a recipient of the Autumn 2019 Porath-Johnson Scholarship. This endowment was established to represent UW alumni, Harol...
Tanya Brown joins as the first postdoc in the lab. Tanya recently finished her Ph.D. in Wendy Macklin’s lab at the University of Colorado. Welcome back to Se...
First year MCB student Rosalind Bump joins the lab for her fall rotation. Welcome!
Jeff was an instructor for the Neurobiology course at the MBL in Woods Hole, MA for the second year running. It was a great experience interfacing with stud...
We are excited to welcome MCB student Molly Zych to the lab for her Spring rotation!
Jeff just returned from the 2019 NICHD Career Planning and Networking Workshop. The workshop featured a veritable Who’s Who of Developmental Biology. Cliff ...
A team of UW undergraduates has joined the lab starting Winter 2019!
Emma Horton has joined the lab as our brave first member! Emma is a recent UW grad, where she worked in Merrill Hille’s lab as an undergraduate researcher. I...
In a post for the Node, Jeff shares how his research career and recent paper in Developmental Cell were shaped by the generosity of fellow scientists in Los ...
An excellent preview of our Dev cell paper from Stephanie McMillan and Marie-Andrée Akimenko is online. Read it here Scales Radi(i)cally Remodel Sensory Axon...
Jeff’s research was recognized with the Hilde Mangold Postdoctoral Presentation Award at the 77th Annual SDB Meeting in Portland, OR. The award was generous...
Jeff’s R00 transition application was just approved by NICHD! This award will provide funding for the first three years of research in the lab.
Our paper on how zebrafish scales pattern skin sensory innervation and vascularization is now online at Developmental Cell. The print version is scheduled f...